Computer Security Tips

Computer Security Tips
Posted in November, 2023.

Owning a computer is the same as owning a car; it needs looking after, regularly  maintaining and keeping software and drivers up to date . Failing to do this could put all your personal information at risk from hackers working for criminal gangs who want to use your identity for criminal activities.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to protect your computer from viruses, malware, and hackers is to update your software regularly. This includes your operating system, antivirus, browser, and any other programmes you use frequently. Software updates often contain security patches, bug fixes, and performance improvements that can make your computer more secure and efficient. Passwords are used for most every programme installed on a Windows PC  or Apple Mac Passwords are used for most every programme installed on a Windows PC or Apple Mac, and it i is vital that you choose strong passwords and mix them with letters,numbers and symbols, and try to change them regularly. Don't open or click on anything you don't understand or recognise. The internet has become a place of money and full-time work for criminal gangs. We at {Good As New Computer Repair Specialists want to help people of all ages stay safe while on their computers and the internet . To update your software, you can either use the built-in update features of your programmes or download the latest versions from the official websites. You can also enable automatic updates for some software, so you don’t have to worry about missing any important updates.

Also, your choice of browser and programmemes you use are very important. Many online sites, from gambling to adult entertainment, attract  a lot of malware and unwanted attention from hackers , so make sure your antivirus is updatedate and turned on, and before you turn it off, run your malware programme , because when allowed to build up in your files and C drive, it will eventually prevent your PC  from turning on , or you might notice that changes have been made to some of your apps and settings .  Having a  PC connected to the internet is like having the numbers to win the lottery; others want that information; keep it safe; don't leave it open for others to see. Stay safe on the internet .

I hope you found this blog post helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading! 😊

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